
Monday, March 28, 2011


Duration: 3 Days (24 Hours)Prerequisite:• Exposure to Web application programming using ASP .NET with C# and connecting to Relational Databases from front end.• Good Knowledge in OOP concepts and java Scripts Course Approach:• Demo will be shown for the understanding of concepts wherever required • Hands on lab will be provided for all applicable topics• 50% Demo and Presentation ( first half of the day’s session ) and 50% of Hands on Lab ( second half of the day’s session ) DAY 1: Introduction to AJAX • Rich Internet Applications• Remote Scripting• AJAX Principles• HTTP Primer HTTP Requests HTTP Responses• AJAX Communication Techniques The Hidden Frame Technique XMLHttpRequests The XmlHttpRequest Object • XMLHttpRequest - Overview• Creating the Object • Asynchronous Data Transfers • The Ready State • HTTP Status Codes and Headers • Asynchronous Resource Retrieval• Retrieving XML Data• HTTP Response and Renderingo XML o JSON o Rendering the Response with CSS AJAX Framework • Sample Ajax and N-Tier Applicationo Presentation Layero Business Layero Data Layero Data Store• .NET Framework and Libraries• Understanding the .NET Libraryo Installing the Libraryo Using and Examining the Library• Ajax and Web Serviceso SOAP• Creating the Web Serviceo Building AJAX Applicationo Accessing with XmlHttpRequest DAY 2: ASP.NET AJAX • Introduction to Atlas• Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX• Dynamic Partial-Page Updates • Client-Side Network Callbacks • ASP.NET AJAX Features to an Existing o Web Applicationo Web Service Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX • Adding the AJAX Server Controls to Visual Studio 2005 o Creating an AJAX enabled Web Siteo Adding the Server Controls to the Toolbox • Introducing the Script Manager Control o Using the Script Manager Designer Interface o Programming with the Script Manager • Introducing the Script Manager Proxy Control • Introducing the Update Panel Control o Using the Update Panel Designero Programming with the Update Panel• Introducing the Update Progress Control • Introducing the Timer Control The UpdatePanel Control • Introduction to the UpdatePanel Control • Multiple UpdatePanel Controls • Using the UpdatePanel Control with Data-Bound Controls • Using the UpdatePanel Control with Master Pages • Using the UpdatePanel Control with User Controls • Using the UpdatePanel Control with a Web Service • Customizing Error Handling for UpdatePanel Controls • Animating UpdatePanel Controls • Canceling an Asynchronous Postback • Working with PageRequestManager Events DAY 3: Introducing ASP.NET AJAX Extenders • Accordion• AlwaysVisibleControl• AutoComplete• CascadingDropDown• ConfirmButton• NumericUpDown• RoundedCorners• TextBoxWaterMark• Popup Control• Modal Popup• Collapsable • Draggable• FilteredTextBox• PasswordStrength Microsoft AJAX Library Client-side AJAX Programming • Introduction• Global Namespace • Sys • Sys.Net • Sys.Serialization • Sys.Services • Sys.UI • Sys.WebForms ASP.NET AJAX Extensibility • Introduction• Creating Custom ASP.NET AJAX Client Controls