These days, it seems like the only way you can avoid unsolicited e-mail is by turning off your computer. But, with a little ingenuity, you can reclaim your in box. This article will seek to educate you on the reasons behind the problem, expose solutions that won't work, and provide solutions you can implement today.
The first thing you need to understand about SPAM is how the spammers got your email address in the first place. You may think you know this information already, but you might be surprised at some of the ingenious ways email addresses are collected. Of course, there is the tried and true method of scraping web pages for email addresses. If you have any email address on any web page, chances are, some spammer has collected that email address. The other common way of collecting email addresses is when you buy something. Most on-line purchases require an email address. Most of these are reputable places. But, make sure you read the check boxes that ask you if you want to sign up for the newsletter. Many times these check boxes are asking if you don't want the newsletter.
But, my email address isn't on the web anywhere and I always make sure I check the appropriate check boxes and I STILL get unsolicited commercial email!
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