Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ajax Components History
Ajax is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. However, rather than functioning as an acronym it better describes a technique for producing faster, more interactive, and usable web pages that don’t require re-loading every time a user changes a request. This is accomplished by increasing web page responsive-ness through the exchange of small pieces of data by an invisible server.
The prerequisites of Ajax are a collaboration of HXTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that help represent the markup language, client-sided description languages like JavaScript, objects like XMLHTTPRequest that allow the asynchronous transfer of data, and the formatting provided by XML (Extensible Markup Language).
Again, Ajax is a technique, not an object. Jesse James Garrett coined Ajax in 2005 in a presentation to clients. The components that make up Ajax existed well before they were implemented to increase web page usability. This article will describe the development of the components that make up Ajax and their uses.
AJAX Background
As aforementioned, the components that provide the framework for Ajax execution include the following: 1) HXTML, that blends HTML and XML functions, 2) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that present markup languages intelligibly and style web content, 3) client-sided description languages like JavaScript, 4) XMLHTTPRequest objects.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the primary markup language for web pages. Markup languages represent text and extra information about the text that corresponds to structure and presentation. Originally conceived by the on-line publishing industry to interact with manuscripts, markup languages transitioned into the digital age through HTML. HTML describes the structure of certain web page text and further complements that description with interactive forms and objects that affect web browser behavior.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is considered a general-purpose markup language. XML is an open, standard language that facilitates data sharing across information systems, particularly those connected via the Internet. The latest version of HXTML 1.1 became a W3C (World Wide Web Conference) recommendation and, therefore, an industry standard in 2001.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) display the presentation of markup written document. This style sheet language, which is also standardized by W3C, presents structured documents whose content is reusable in a variety of contexts. Content can be attached to different logics to create different presentations of the same data. Style sheets have existed since the 1970’s and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). CSS Level 1 became usable in 1996. By 1998, CSS Level 2 was W3C recommended. As of 2006, CSS Level 3 is still under development. The main CSS contribution allows a document’s style to be influenced by multiple style sheets. The cascading effect comes from the ability of style sheets to ‘cascade’ from one another, inheriting a stylistic mixture determined by the site designer and user.
Javascript is a scripting language created to enable prototype-based programming. It is most popularly used for web sites. Its only similarity with Java the programming language is its C syntax. Javascript was developed in 1995 and trademarked by Sun Microsystems. It was licensed for use with Netscape Communications when Netscape began to support Java technology in its Netscape Navigator web browser. Currently, Javascript also operates for other entities like the Mozilla Foundation. As of 2006, the latest model of this scripting language is Javascript 1.7.
XMLHTTPRequest object allows for the asynchronous exchange of data between the server and the client. It is an API (application program interface) that uses Javascript to transfer text data like XML using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) thereby establishing independent communication between the server-side and client-side of a web page. Microsoft developed it in 2000 as a part of Outlook Web Access. Mozilla incorporated XMLHTTPRequest in 2002 and Apple incorporated it into Safari 2.1 soon after.
AJAX Usage
The uses of these Ajax components work together to allow for automatic, user-based alterations of web pages. As an application of HTML in XML, XHTML allows for automated web processing through the use of the standard XML library. CSS is primarily used to stylize web pages and making them more easily understandable to users. Javascript allows accessibility to the DOM (Direct Object Model) to allow for dynamic information presentation and increased interactivity. The DOM is a standard object model that renders HTML, XML and other related formats. XMLHTTPRequest is important in Ajax web development techniques to increase web page responsiveness and interactivity. For example, it is currently used in Google’s Gmail services and MapQuest among other highly interactive sites.
Points of Interest
The technologies outlined above work together to comprise Ajax programming. The primary benefits of this suite of technologies allow users to access and create web applications more quickly with a level of responsiveness usually attributed to desktop applications. This increased responsiveness is coupled with increased interactivity that doesn’t make it necessary for the web page to reload every time a user makes a new request of the web application.
Introduction to AJAX
AJAX is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests. With this new technology, your JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. Through the help of this object, your JavaScript can collect data from a web server without reloading the page. This technology uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests) conducted between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request little information from the server instead of whole pages.
The AJAX technique makes Internet applications simplified, quick and better responsive for user's demands than ever before. This browser technology performs independently of web server software. Normally, Ajax technology is based on web standards including JavaScript, XML, HTML, and CSS. The main feature of Ajax is that all web standards used in this technology are well defined and equally supported by all major browsers. So, it can better understand as the new way to revolutionize the working of internet applications. With AJAX, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly.
Advantage of Ajax
Bandwidth Usage
By applying Ajax applications, you can easily load relative information or data as the payload reduced to a small size as compared to layout does not required to be redrawn on every updates.
Separation of data, format, style and function
Ajax techniques help programmers to clearly separate the methods and formats used in different aspects of information given through the means of web. The technology provides freedom to programmers to adept and adopts different languages and techniques whenever they are required to provide the best result.
Disadvantages of Ajax
Ajax has some negative side effects also which mainly includes browser integration, search engine optimization, reliance on JavaScript, and web analytical.
Web Applications Services - How To Use
The W3C Web service definition encompasses many different systems, but in common usage the term refers to client and server that communicate using some types of messages that follow the SOAP standard. Common in both the field and the terminology is the assumption that there is also a machine readable description of the operations supported by the server written in the WSDL(Web Services Description Language).
The latter is not a requirement of a SOAP endpoint, but it is a prerequisite for automated client-side code generation in many Java and .Net OAP frameworks (frameworks such as Spring and Apache CFX being notable exceptions). Some industry organizations, such as the WS-I mandate both SOAP and WSDL in their definition of a Web service.
A new outline of web site design proceeds to use of web applications services more and more. The target of this article is to show some possibilities of their usage. Usually, services providing content for web pages are included into their code. The integration of other sources is possible in a few different ways:
• by i-Frame (Inline frame)
• By Using Framesets
• by Using Ajax
• and using server technologies
Web applications integration
The integration by using the inline frame i-frame technology is quite easy and does not require much special knowledge. A webmaster (or an editor) only needs to know where to include the content, the expected size and the URL.
Framesets should be used only when it is not possible to do it the other way. Frames are necessary in some of internet applications, because they lower data flows' volume. A good example of such an application is an internet chat. In spite of that, there are AJAX techniques, which are able to avoid the use of framesets.
AJAX and JavaScript technology is one of the most modern ways how to enrich a functionality of web applications. The term AJAX for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML has been used for the first time on February 2005, though JavaScript had supported asynchronous requests already since 2004.
AJAX uses XML Http Request object (XHR) for remote calls for data. It is used in some well known services like Goggle's Gmail, Mambo, Goggle Maps, Windows Live's Virtual Earth or the Map Quest. Unfortunately this technology has a lot of versions (like HTML) and therefore there were attempts to standardize it's functionality and many projects supporting object-like look of JavaScript like Prototype's or AJAX had arised.
This technology has one security-based restriction against iframe or framesets. That is an unavailability of pages (data) not located at the same web server (or even in the same URL path).
Server technologies
Restriction of AJAX still can be suppressed by the use of server-side techniques. Server programming languages can read remote web pages too. ASP Example:
In combination of server-side and client-side methods, there is a chance for building interactive web sites rich in user supporting elements.
With a server programming interaction, several web application services have been prepared. We would like to present some of our own solutions.
Examples of services for web sites:
• a short message service support
• a meteorological forecast
• calendar services
• rss feeds
RSS feeds:
The RSS service has four different versions up to now. These are versions 0.9, 0.9x, 1.0 and 2.0. Every version has its own specifics, but all of them are based on XML. The 1.0 version is applied using RDF. The simplest versions for developers are 0.9x and 2.0. Those are using a light XML code and are the easiest to understand.
Syndication has different types of use, but always it is connected with some types of readers. There are AJAX readers like Google Reader, PHP and ASP readers or even standalone applications.
How to Learn AJAX - Asynchronous Javascript And XML
AJAX is not easy to learn. But there's a million text tutorials out there on the web on how to learn AJAX... but how good are they? Most are NOT worth the read. A lot of these tutorials are written by people who have little experience and are just looking for some more traffic to their websites in hopes of grabbing a few clicks to their advertisements.
But there's still a few good ones. A guy by the name of Steve Holzner has written a few books on the subject and they're VERY highly rated by very technical people. While other books get poor ratings and little sales - Mr. Holzner seems to get plenty of great ratings and, I'm sure, the books are selling like crazy.
In the link below - you can see Steve Holzner has now created a Video Tutorial series on learning AJAX. The series is simply amazing and you'll be able to use these techniques to create some seriously cool effects on your website.
AJAX can be very tricky. Depending on browsers, users and other various problems that may occur - AJAX can give you a major headache. This is why I urge you to learn the CORRECT techniques in order to figure out how to bypass these basic problems that seem to be the biggest problem with learning this subject.
If you're not a believer in AJAX - maybe you should think the correct way... what your USERS enjoy. This is a major problem for many websites these days; Webmasters think in terms of what they enjoy and do not enjoy, and not of what their users enjoy. AJAX has become a major advantage on many sites such as DIGG, MySPACE and various other websites. Yahoo! now uses AJAX in their Search Engine's interface, similar to Google Suggest.
Be careful of whom you choose to learn from... just remember that there's a lot of "know it alls" in this world and few are familiar with the products they preach about. AJAX can be tricky and can cause a lot of problems if you learn the techniques from the wrong "teacher".
The video Tutorials below will teach you the correct way to use AJAX and you'll be learning from one of the Masters of the subject. Not some kid who wants you to go to his website based on Gaming or MySpace layouts.
Don't forget my mantra: Learn by doing, not by reading. If you're not "doing" while you're learning - you're not really learning. Practice everything you learn and you'll understand the subject a lot quicker!
How to Learn AJAX - Asynchronous Javascript And XML
AJAX is not easy to learn. But there's a million text tutorials out there on the web on how to learn AJAX... but how good are they? Most are NOT worth the read. A lot of these tutorials are written by people who have little experience and are just looking for some more traffic to their websites in hopes of grabbing a few clicks to their advertisements.
But there's still a few good ones. A guy by the name of Steve Holzner has written a few books on the subject and they're VERY highly rated by very technical people. While other books get poor ratings and little sales - Mr. Holzner seems to get plenty of great ratings and, I'm sure, the books are selling like crazy.
In the link below - you can see Steve Holzner has now created a Video Tutorial series on learning AJAX. The series is simply amazing and you'll be able to use these techniques to create some seriously cool effects on your website.
AJAX can be very tricky. Depending on browsers, users and other various problems that may occur - AJAX can give you a major headache. This is why I urge you to learn the CORRECT techniques in order to figure out how to bypass these basic problems that seem to be the biggest problem with learning this subject.
If you're not a believer in AJAX - maybe you should think the correct way... what your USERS enjoy. This is a major problem for many websites these days; Webmasters think in terms of what they enjoy and do not enjoy, and not of what their users enjoy. AJAX has become a major advantage on many sites such as DIGG, MySPACE and various other websites. Yahoo! now uses AJAX in their Search Engine's interface, similar to Google Suggest.
Be careful of whom you choose to learn from... just remember that there's a lot of "know it alls" in this world and few are familiar with the products they preach about. AJAX can be tricky and can cause a lot of problems if you learn the techniques from the wrong "teacher".
The video Tutorials below will teach you the correct way to use AJAX and you'll be learning from one of the Masters of the subject. Not some kid who wants you to go to his website based on Gaming or MySpace layouts.
Don't forget my mantra: Learn by doing, not by reading. If you're not "doing" while you're learning - you're not really learning. Practice everything you learn and you'll understand the subject a lot quicker!
SEO for AJAX Website
- Google Maps
- Google Suggest
You must have idea now what functionality can be added to any website using AJAX, but AJAX website is not search engine friendly. The main reason of AJAX website not ranking well in search engines is that AJAX web pages cannot be easily bookmarked and also not proffered by search engines. The pages created are not unique and cod itself is not visible to search engines.
This doesn't mean that AJAX websites cannot rank well in search engines. You can use search engine optimization techniques discussed below and make your website search engine friendly as well as rank in top organic listings for your major keywords.
First issue is that AJAX is not visible to search engines. Therefore any content delivered through AJAX or say if websites navigation is delivered through AJAX. Hence search engine will only be able to crawl first page will less or no content. Spiders will not be able to spider other pages as navigational link are not visible to them. So what is the solution to this? Simple way is to make sure your website content and navigation is in HTML. This will serve you double benefits i.e. content in HTML is easily read by search engines and also will be visible to visitors who have JavaScript turned off or where browsers don't support JavaScript.
Second important factor was no unique links. I will say just visit your website as a search engine spider would. Make sure all your web pages have a proper path, content, moreover they have valid URLs. Other way is to use URL rewrite to create links that are search engine friendly. The mod rewrite instruction are useful in this your web page will be created dynamically but gives search engines an impression of unique URL with unique content.
Ajax Applications Development
Ajax Applications Development has provided breakthrough in web application development. AJAX is a new way to define technology shifting web pages from HTML static pages to advance Java script and CSS enabled dynamic pages. AJAX is also called a free framework for fast creation of interactive cross-platform web experiences. This application has transformed the look, feel of web and has solved the major problem of web application of reloading.
Conglomeration of many technologies to form a more useful, dynamic, stronger technology - AJAX has accelerated the web world. Ajax incorporates standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS; dynamic display and interaction using Document Object Model; data interaction and manipulation using XML; asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest and Java Script binding together everything. AJAX uses Java script technology, HTML pages make asynchronous call to the server from which it fetches information that may be formatted as HTML, plain text, XML or Java Script Object Notation (JSON). To modify the Document Object Model (DOM) of the HTML page java script uses this content. Load of content on demand for various complex web applications has improved bandwidth usage by cutting down bandwidth consumption for complex functionalities.
AJAX is based on different server side architecture to support interaction model. Intermediate application layer, an Ajax engine (written in java script), is added in between user and server that allows asynchronous user’s interaction with application. This new approach has many benefits over static web applications, main features of AJAX include: Real-time form validation with server-side validation of codes. Auto-completion of form fields, better interaction and control with the use of advanced controls available. Content mix from third party application with your application is easily possible. Google Maps, Flickr, Orkut, Google Suggest are examples of AJAX application development.
Inspite of its myriad benefits, ajax application development is facing few major challenges: in-depth knowledge is required to understand upgrading Ajax functionality as it is not easy to develop Ajax that involves running complex java script code on client. Another challenge is that XMLHttpRequest object is not part of Java script technology specification, so it makes adaptablity difficult for older browsers. Even though browser add-ons have made debugging easy, processing logic embedded in client and on server makes application debugging difficult. Easy data access have provided easy way to plagiarism, except for restricted sections. Identifying particular state of application is difficult, this creates problem for user to bookmark specific application state. Also, iframe element used to populate browser history is not recommended by W3C. Websites using Ajax applications are generally not search engine friendly. Ajax has java script code that has compatibility problems with different browsers. Web analytics tracked records get cluttered with websites using Ajax technology as every event is tracked by analytics.
Careful consideration is required before implementing Ajax technology for your website to overcome few of its fallback.
site_owner: shaik.khadarvali
address1: Near Makka Masid
address2: Near jagadeswari Theater
city: Markapur
state: Andhra Pradesh
country: INDIA
postal_code: 523316
phone_number: 9849654610
site_name: dot net
site_description: This site tells about the details of dot net development
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Types Of Assemblies In ASP NET.
In past, developers need to share libraries of code through DLL. And when same dll is needed in applications then users have to register that DLL on to the machine. One of main thing in ASP NET is that the assembly is created by default when we build our application or DLL. We can also check the details of the manifest of the assembly by using classes located in the System.Reflection namespace. We can create two types of assemblies in ASP NET.
Private Assembly
Shared Assembly
There are many advantages of assembly some of them are as follows:
(1) Increased performance.
(2)Better code management and encapsulation.
(3)Introduces the n-tier concepts and business logic.
In asp dot net System namespace and other namespaces like it i.e. System.Data, System.Web are also pre-built assemblies that have been provided in the dot net framework to us by Microsoft.
For more information on Dot Net Assembly visit You can also find Dot Net Jobs in gurgaon, delhi, ncr, noida by visiting this site.
Dot Net - Assembly In ASP Net
We can also say it's a big advantage of assembly and another big advantage of using ASP.NET Assemblies is that programmer need not to create applications without interfering with other applications on the system its means assembly requirement in one application cannot harm another application that using that assembly because assembly in one application is not applied to another application.
But one assembly can be shared with many applications. In asp dot net 2003 assembly is placed in Bin directory of the application that uses it. This advantage make assembly so popluar because this is one of the drawback in of DLL in the past.
DOT NET Developing Components:
Resources and Internationalization: .NET and Win32 support a different model of resources. In Win32, resources are held in a section that is part of the portable executable (PE) file format and the resources are inlaid within this segment. But in the case of.NET, resources are part of an assembly, but they can be inlaid within the assembly or supplied as separate files.
Resources and .NET .NET has been designed with internationalization in mind. For example, let us consider of an application that has been downloaded from a trusted Web site and the Web site is in a locale different from yours. There are various applications that are created in their own locale. If the language is different from yours, it is obvious that the application has been localized to your locale and that the Web site gives you the option of downloading different localized versions. This scheme is typically used by Win32 applications.
Application Development in dot netDot net Application Development
From the viewpoint of a good .NET developer, the below mentioned skills are very much essential for developing .NET applications.
Outsource 'ASP-dot-NET' Development to India
This is so because India has got a huge number of qualified and skilled manpower who are perfectly capable of delivering solutions when it comes to a wide array of software services. is just one of the domain areas where Indian expertise is much sought after. is perhaps one of the fastest growing areas in IT and it is not surprising that more and more technical up gradations are taking place in this particular field. This being the case, software developers also needs to be on their toes and keep in tune with the emerging international trends. India's huge number of software professionals is doing just this and a lot more.
Monday, February 4, 2008
An Introduction to DOT NET Framework
.Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly create web-applications that are accessible through client machines from across the globe. These web-applications adopt open standards such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to interact with applications that are available in other platforms.
.Net Framework is platform independent and language independent. This means that .Net Framework allows you to use different programming languages such as VB.Net, C#, Jscript, VBScript, and Managed C++ and run applications on different platforms such as Unix, Macintosh, and Linux. Moreover, .Net Framework enables you to use various off-the-shelf libraries that help the development of applications faster, easier, and cheaper. .Net Framework now supports over 20 different programming languages.
Microsoft NET Framework 3.0 Penetrates The Websphere With A Projectile Force
• Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).0 – The API that is based on XML and vector graphics and aids in the development of the User Interface aspect of an application.
• Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).0 – The API which enables computers connected by a network to communicate with each other. It combines Web Services, .NET Remoting, Distributed Transactions and Message Queues into a singe model.
• Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).0 – This technology enables developers to build and manage workflow based applications. XAML a XML based language is used to define the workflow structure.
• Windows CardSpace (WCS).0 – WCS is used to store and secure digital identities of users transacting over the Internet.
Killing The Junk Email Beast On Dot Net
These days, it seems like the only way you can avoid unsolicited e-mail is by turning off your computer. But, with a little ingenuity, you can reclaim your in box. This article will seek to educate you on the reasons behind the problem, expose solutions that won't work, and provide solutions you can implement today.
The first thing you need to understand about SPAM is how the spammers got your email address in the first place. You may think you know this information already, but you might be surprised at some of the ingenious ways email addresses are collected. Of course, there is the tried and true method of scraping web pages for email addresses. If you have any email address on any web page, chances are, some spammer has collected that email address. The other common way of collecting email addresses is when you buy something. Most on-line purchases require an email address. Most of these are reputable places. But, make sure you read the check boxes that ask you if you want to sign up for the newsletter. Many times these check boxes are asking if you don't want the newsletter.
But, my email address isn't on the web anywhere and I always make sure I check the appropriate check boxes and I STILL get unsolicited commercial email!