
Monday, April 18, 2011

.NET Framework 4 Poster

We created a very cool poster that shows off the new stuff in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 4.    Thanks to Kit George for running this effort to get a very cool view of .NET Framework 4 and for the great folks at Addison Wesley for helping with the creative end and the printing costs!


And of course, here is the DeepZoom version! (use your mouse wheel or click and control-click to zoom in and out)

Download the .NET Framework 4 Poster PDF for high quality printing.

Enjoy!  We'd love to hear what you think!

If you are at PDC08 please drop by the Addison Wesley booth in the Big Room and get your copy... You can just tell them I sent you ;-)

Oh, and if you are a Microsoft employee in Redmond, drop KitG an email, he has a few he can give out.